Social Media ‘Naughty or Nice’

The countdown to Christmas is here and to start the #12daysoftwda, we’re giving you all you need to know about the Social Media platforms you need to use to market to the younger generation.

First up on our social media ‘Naughty or Nice’ list, we have the social media giant, Facebook. This platform is a must-have for business, 79% of UK adults who are active internet users reportedly use the social media platform. This is huge🤯. 

Everybody you need to market to all have 1 thing in common, they are on Facebook. The platform has excellent ways in which you can connect with all of these people, for example, Facebook groups are brilliant for sharing your message. Join your niche groups and share your content into the groups, be careful with this one though as if you do it too much in 1 day you could get a punishment from Facebook in the form of a sharing ban due ‘spamming’. You need to find the correct balance of marketing and spamming, make sure you stay engaged with the other members of the group and be involved in topic discussions. Paid ads are also another way to reach 1,000s of people on Facebook, they do work, and you will receive an ROI… if it is done correctly. With the specific targeting tools, you can narrow down your audience by selecting topics of interest, age, location, gender and more.


Next up on the list, we have Facebook’s little sibling, Instagram, the photogenic platform is brilliant for showing people what you do in a visual aspect, ‘look at my work!’

Creating a community feeling for your followers and making sure they feel as though they are cared about is a great thing to do on Instagram. This can be done brilliantly with the newly added features for Instagram Stories; allowing the audience to vote, ask questions, and rate things, creating a sense of self-worth to the customer.

Hashtags are a great way to engage with new users, placing 30 hashtags relevant to your business creates a huge amount of potential reach for more people to view your content.

A secret tip to grow your page organically:

  1. Search a relative hashtag in the search bar on the explore page.
  2. Click on the top post on recent
  3. Like & comment on the top 10 posts for that hashtag
  4. Repeat for another 9 hashtags.
Step-By-Step 📸

If this is done daily you will see significant results in your pages following and engagement rates.

Another great platform on twda

‘s ‘Naughty or Nice’ list, Snapchat. A whopping 16.2 million people use the app in the UK, 77% of which are between the ages of 18-24. This platform can be used to market to this young demographic in many ways. Snapchat ads are powerful tools and can be used to create a mass appeal for your product or service. However, you need to grab the attention of your audience within the first few seconds of the story. People have the attention span of a goldfish and will get bored quickly.

To keep the attention of the user and keep them watching is essential for your Snapchat marketing to be beneficial for you.

The social giants have also implemented a ‘create your own filter’ feature, this means you can create your own filter for people to use at a specific time/location. This is great if you are throwing a party, you can add your own filter for the people in attendance to use and post onto your private story for the night.

Snapchat’s custom filter gives you all of the control in making your own filter🎉

Something that you will have to work on with Snapchat is growing your audience, push out your Snapchat on as many platforms as you can to make sure that more and more people can see it. Also, remember, your Snapchat content should be quick, attention-enticing, ‘magazine-like’.

Thanks for reading, stay posted for the remainder of our #12daysoftwda posts, where you can be in with the chance of winning some goodies for Christmas🎄!

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